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Writing Task 1

Those In Poverty

IELTS Task 1: Those In Poverty Table

The table provides statistics on age demographics, average income per person, and the percentage of people living in impoverished conditions

Looking from an overall perspective, it is evident that Utah, despite having the highest percentage of minors, displayed the lowest figure for elderly individuals over 60, while Florida showed the most 60+ people. Additionally, California led in both the average income per capita and the proportion of people living below the poverty line, while Utah showed the lowest numbers in both mentioned categories.

In terms of age, nearly 30% of Utah’s population was under 18, which is significantly higher than the 17% in California and the 16% in Florida. The over-60 showed reverse figures as Florida accounted for the highest numbers (23%), nearly double that of California, at 13%, with Utah trailing behind at only 8%.

The average income per capita was also highest in California and Florida, at 23,000 USD and 22,000 USD, respectively, followed by Utah at 17,000 USD. California also had the highest percentage of individuals living in poverty, at 16%, followed by Florida at 12%, and finally, Utah, at 9%.

(184 words)

Essay breakdown


[1] The table provides statistics on age demographics, average income per person, and the percentage of people living in impoverished conditions. 

[2] Looking from an overall perspective, it is evident that Utah, despite having the highest percentage of minors, displayed the lowest figure for elderly individuals over 60, while Florida showed the most 60+ people. [3] Additionally, California led in both the average income per capita and the proportion of people living below the poverty line, while Utah showed the lowest numbers in both mentioned categories.

  1. Write a general statement to introduce the topic
  2. Summarise the main features of the table
  3. Provide comparisons when necessary

Body 1: 

[1] In terms of age, nearly 30% of Utah’s population was under 18, which is significantly higher than the 17% in California and the 16% in Florida. [2] The over-60 showed reverse figures as Florida accounted for the highest numbers (23%), nearly double that of California, at 13%, with Utah trailing behind at only 8%.

  1. Compare 3 countries in terms of “under 18”
  2. Compare 3 countries in terms of “over 60”

Body 2: 

[1] The average income per capita was also highest in California and Florida, at 23,000 USD and 22,000 USD, respectively, followed by Utah at 17,000 USD. [2] California also had the highest percentage of individuals living in poverty, at 16%, followed by Florida at 12%, and finally, Utah, at 9%.

  1. Compare 3 countries in terms of “average income per capita”
  2. Compare 3 countries in terms of “population below the poverty line”


The table provides statistics on age demographics, average income per person, and the percentage of people living in impoverished conditions

Looking from an overall perspective, it is evident that Utah, despite having the highest percentage of minors, displayed the lowest figure for elderly individuals over 60, while Florida showed the most 60+ people. Additionally, California led in both the average income per capita and the proportion of people living below the poverty line, while Utah showed the lowest numbers in both mentioned categories.

In terms of age, nearly 30% of Utah’s population was under 18, which is significantly higher than the 17% in California and the 16% in Florida. The over-60 showed reverse figures as Florida accounted for the highest numbers (23%), nearly double that of California, at 13%, with Utah trailing behind at only 8%.

The average income per capita was also highest in California and Florida, at 23,000 USD and 22,000 USD, respectively, followed by Utah at 17,000 USD. California also had the highest percentage of individuals living in poverty, at 16%, followed by Florida at 12%, and finally, Utah, at 9%.

Vocabulary Highlights:

  • Age demographics: the distribution of people by age in a population.
  • Average income per person: the mean amount of money earned by each individual in a population.
  • Impoverished conditions: a situation of extreme poverty or lack of basic necessities for living.
  • Under 18: people who are younger than 18 years old.
  • Over 60: people who are 60 years old or older.
  • Percentage of people: the proportion of individuals in a population, expressed as a percentage.
  • Led in: had the highest values or figures in a particular category.
  • Trailing behind: had the lowest values or figures in a particular category.
  • Average income per capita: the mean amount of money earned by each person in a population.
  • Living below the poverty line: living in a state of poverty, where income or resources are insufficient to meet basic needs.

Diamond Grammar: 


“Looking from an overall perspective, it is evident that Utah, despite having the highest percentage of minors, displayed the lowest figure for elderly individuals over 60, while Florida showed the most 60+ people.”

This sentence uses a complex sentence structure with two independent clauses separated by a comma and the coordinating conjunction “while.” It also includes comparative language, showing how Utah and Florida differ in terms of age demographics. This sentence could benefit IELTS learners in terms of understanding how to use coordinating conjunctions to connect independent clauses and how to construct comparative sentences.


Further reading about this topic can be found here:


Further listening about this topic can be found here:

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