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Writing Task 2

Taxing Industries

Some people believe that increasing taxes on various industries will reduce pollution whereas others believe that there are better alternative ways.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Pollution is a critical issue that demands attention globally, and there are diverse opinions on the most effective approach to address it. While some people believe that increasing taxes on industries can reduce pollution, others suggest that there are better alternatives. In this essay, I will explore both perspectives and provide my own view on the matter.

Those in favor of increasing taxes argue that it is a practical way to reduce pollution. They believe that increased taxes on raw materials and products will discourage industries from producing and transporting them, reducing carbon emissions. For example, the traditional auto-manufacturing sector has experienced a decrease in production and delivery of cars to customers since recent tax hikes on car components and fossil fuels, reducing carbon footprints and contributing to a cleaner environment. However, this approach may have unintended economic consequences, such as stifling growth and deterring investment in industries.

In my opinion, focusing on renewable energy sources is a more sustainable way to tackle pollution. Carbon-free energy sources produce no harmful pollutants, and companies are investing in research and development in this field. For instance, Tesla has produced a range of electric vehicles, and many other industries have followed suit, leading to a decline in pollution levels. With more people embracing renewables, the costs will likely reduce, making them more accessible and widespread.

In conclusion, while tax hikes may have a short-term positive effect on the environment, promoting renewable energy sources is the better long-term solution to reduce pollution. By incentivizing renewable energy, we can create a more sustainable environment for future generations.

(262 words)

Essay Breakdown



[1] Pollution is a critical issue that demands attention globally, and there are diverse opinions on the most effective approach to address it. [2] While some people believe that increasing taxes on industries can reduce pollution, others suggest that there are better alternatives. [3] In this essay, I will explore both perspectives and provide my own view on the matter.

1. A ‘hook’ sentence to provide a background to my answer 

2. Paraphrase the given topic 

3. A clear opinion stating my viewpoint


Paragraph 1

[1] Those in favor of increasing taxes argue that it is a practical way to reduce pollution. [2] They believe that increased taxes on raw materials and products will discourage industries from producing and transporting them, reducing carbon emissions. [3] For example, the traditional auto-manufacturing sector has experienced a decrease in production and delivery of cars to customers since recent tax hikes on car components and fossil fuels, reducing carbon footprints and contributing to a cleaner environment. [4] However, this approach may have unintended economic consequences, such as stifling growth and deterring investment in industries.

1. A topic sentence showing the main idea 

2. Explain and develop the main point

3. Provide an example in the auto-manufacturing sector

4. Introduce a counter-argument to increasing taxes

Paragraph 2

[1] In my opinion, focusing on renewable energy sources is a more sustainable way to tackle pollution. [2] Carbon-free energy sources produce no harmful pollutants, and companies are investing in research and development in this field. [3] For instance, Tesla has produced a range of electric vehicles, and many other industries have followed suit, leading to a decline in pollution levels. [4] With more people embracing renewables, the costs will likely reduce, making them more accessible and widespread.

1. A topic sentence showing the main idea

2. Explain and develop the main point

3. Provide and explain an example of Tesla

4. Continue to fully develop the main point

[1] In conclusion, while tax hikes may have a short-term positive effect on the environment, promoting renewable energy sources is the better long-term solution to reduce pollution. [2] By incentivizing renewable energy, we can create a more sustainable environment for future generations.

1. Restate my opinion

2. Extend the viewpoint by stating a final thought


Pollution is a critical issue that demands attention globally, and there are diverse opinions on the most effective approach to address it. While some people believe that increasing taxes on industries can reduce pollution, others suggest that there are better alternatives. In this essay, I will explore both perspectives and provide my own view on the matter.

Those in favor of increasing taxes argue that it is a practical way to reduce pollution. They believe that increased taxes on raw materials and products will discourage industries from producing and transporting them, reducing carbon emissions. For example, the traditional auto-manufacturing sector has experienced a decrease in production and delivery of cars to customers since recent tax hikes on car components and fossil fuels, reducing carbon footprints and contributing to a cleaner environment. However, this approach may have unintended economic consequences, such as stifling growth and deterring investment in industries.

In my opinion, focusing on renewable energy sources is a more sustainable way to tackle pollution. Carbon-free energy sources produce no harmful pollutants, and companies are investing in research and development in this field. For instance, Tesla has produced a range of electric vehicles, and many other industries have followed suit, leading to a decline in pollution levels. With more people embracing renewables, the costs will likely reduce, making them more accessible and widespread.

In conclusion, while tax hikes may have a short-term positive effect on the environment, promoting renewable energy sources is the better long-term solution to reduce pollution. By incentivizing renewable energy, we can create a more sustainable environment for future generations.

Vocabulary Highlights:

  • Pollution is a critical issue: a significant problem that needs to be addressed.
  • Increasing taxes on industries: imposing higher taxes on businesses to discourage them from producing and transporting polluting products.
  • Carbon emissions: gases, including carbon dioxide, released into the atmosphere by human activities, contributing to global warming and climate change.
  • Carbon footprints: the total amount of greenhouse gases emitted by an individual, organization, or product.
  • Unintended economic consequences: unexpected negative effects on the economy as a result of a policy or action.
  • Stifling growth: preventing or inhibiting the growth of an industry or the economy as a whole.
  • Renewable energy sources: energy sources that can be replenished naturally, such as solar, wind, and hydropower.
  • Carbon-free energy sources: energy sources that do not produce any carbon emissions, such as solar or wind power.
  • Research and development: activities carried out by companies or organizations to improve their products or services.
  • Decline in pollution levels: a reduction in the amount of pollutants in the air, water, or soil.
  • Short-term positive effect: a temporary improvement in a situation.
  • Long-term solution: a solution that addresses a problem in a sustainable manner over a prolonged period.
  • Incentivizing renewable energy: offering rewards or benefits to encourage the use of renewable energy sources.
  • Sustainable environment: a way of life that conserves natural resources and does not harm the environment for future generations.
  • Future generations: people who will live in the future after the current generation has passed away.

Grammar Gems: 


“Carbon-free energy sources produce no harmful pollutants, and companies are investing in research and development in this field.”

The grammar structure used here is a compound sentence with the conjunction “and” to connect two independent clauses. I also used the adjective “harmful” to modify the noun “pollutants,” which adds specificity to the sentence and improves its clarity.


Further reading about this topic can be found here:



Further listening about this topic can be found here:

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