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Writing Task 2


Some argue that patriotism is the primary cause of wars globally. Others feel that it serves to prevent less ethical politicians from running a country and starting wars.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Certain concerned individuals today argue the case for a strong causal relationship between patriotic feelings and global wars. In my opinion, though this link is true to a certain degree, patriotism largely acts as a means to deter unethical politicians from being elected initially and then waging unpopular wars

Those arguing patriotism is the chief cause of international tensions highlight individual self-esteem behind a typical compatriot’s feelings. In most cases, individuals display extreme patriotism as a medium through which they can elevate their self-esteem. A corollary exists in the way sports fanatics root for their national teams during international tournaments. It is not uncommon to see fervent football supporters lambasting other nations’ spectators, vocally harassing certain players, leaving offensive remarks on referees’ Facebook pages, or even worse, engaging in physical assaults. This example can also be generalised to all facets of a country. If the majority of citizens used patriotic feelings as their primary source of self-confidence, this would likely result in tenser relations between nations and a greater probability of conflicts. 

However, I believe patriotism can be a positive catalyst to deter the rise to power of aggressive leaders. Though patriotic feelings can, at times, lead to nationalism as in the aforementioned examples, extreme expressions of patriotism can be mitigated through more drastic measures such as varying levels of imprisonment. Moreover, patriotism can propagate a generation of world leaders who can peacefully enact the wishes of the general citizenry. Most residents in the 21st century are consciously aware of the damages and prolonged consequences of wars that decimated world economies and population figures, such as during World War 2. It is, therefore, likely the wish of the majority to elect officials who are dedicated to maintaining long-lasting peace in all diplomatic relations. A good counter-example would be the failed re-election bid of US former president Donald J. Trump who is notoriously well-known for projecting hatred and animosity, and his alleged desire for igniting transnational wars. 

In conclusion, despite the causal relationship between patriotism and global wars, this sentiment primarily serves as a means to deter aggressive political leaders. One should strive to channel one’s patriotic feelings to more productive causes that benefit the collective good.

Essay Breakdown



[1] Certain concerned individuals today argue the case for a strong causal relationship between patriotic feelings and global wars. [2] In my opinion, though [2.1] this link is true to a certain degree, [2.2] patriotism largely acts as a means to deter unethical politicians from being elected initially and then waging unpopular wars.

1. Paraphrase the topic – different points of view about the relationship between worldwide wars and patriotism

2.  Write a clear opinion to state personal viewpoints and signpost what will be discussed in the essay

2.1 State the first view

2.2 State the second view (preferred one)


Paragraph 1

[1] Those arguing patriotism is the chief cause of international tensions highlight individual self-esteem behind a typical compatriot’s feelings. [2] In most cases, individuals display extreme patriotism as a medium through which they can elevate their self-esteem. [3] A corollary exists in the way sports fanatics root for their national teams during international tournaments. [4] It is not uncommon to see fervent football supporters lambasting other nations’ spectators, vocally harassing certain players, leaving offensive remarks on referees’ Facebook pages, or even worse, engaging in physical assaults. [5] This example can also be generalised to all facets of a country. [6] If the majority of citizens used patriotic feelings as their primary source of self-confidence, this would likely result in tenser relations between nations and a greater probability of conflicts.

1. A topic sentence showing the main idea – individual self-esteem

2. Give a further explanation

3. Use sports fanatics as an example

4. Develop the example by giving more details

5. Use the previously developed example to generalise an idea

6. Show the outcome of the example which leads to a conclusion about the connection between countries and conflicts

Paragraph 2

[1] However, I believe patriotism can be a positive catalyst to deter the rise to power of aggressive leaders. [2] Though patriotic feelings can, at times, lead to nationalism as in the aforementioned examples, extreme expressions of patriotism can be mitigated through more drastic measures such as varying levels of imprisonment. [3] Moreover, patriotism can propagate a generation of world leaders who can peacefully enact the wishes of the general citizenry. [4] Most residents in the 21st century are consciously aware of the damages and prolonged consequences of wars that decimated world economies and population figures, such as during World War 2. [5] It is, therefore, likely the wish of the majority to elect officials who are dedicated to maintaining long-lasting peace in all diplomatic relations. [6] A good counter-example would be the failed re-election bid of US former president Donald J. Trump who is notoriously well-known for projecting hatred and animosity, and his alleged desire for igniting transnational wars.

1. A topic sentence showing the main idea – patriotism acts as a deterrent to the rise to power of aggressive leaders

2. [Counter-argument] add a counter point (in this case a solution) to negate the idea in the previous paragraph

3. Introduce a supporting idea

4. Give a further explanation to support the idea

5. Conclude the explanation

6. Use a counter-example to effectively emphasize the previously developed idea


[1] In conclusion, despite the causal relationship between patriotism and global wars, this sentiment primarily serves as a means to deter aggressive political leaders. [2] One should strive to channel one’s patriotic feelings to more productive causes that benefit the collective good. 

1. Restate my opinion

2. Extend the viewpoint by stating a final thought


Certain concerned individuals today argue the case for a strong causal relationship between patriotic feelings and global wars. In my opinion, though this link is true to a certain degree, patriotism largely acts as a means to deter unethical politicians from being elected initially and then waging unpopular wars. 

Those arguing patriotism is the chief cause of international tensions highlight individual self-esteem behind a typical compatriot’s feelings. In most cases, individuals display extreme patriotism as a medium through which they can elevate their self-esteem. A corollary exists in the way sports fanatics root for their national teams during international tournaments. It is not uncommon to see fervent football supporters lambasting other nations’ spectators, vocally harassing certain players, leaving offensive remarks on referees’ Facebook pages, or even worse, engaging in physical assaults. This example can also be generalised to all facets of a country. If the majority of citizens used patriotic feelings as their primary source of self-confidence, this would likely result in tenser relations between nations and a greater probability of conflicts. 

However, I believe patriotism can be a positive catalyst to deter the rise to power of aggressive leaders. Though patriotic feelings can, at times, lead to nationalism as in the aforementioned examples, extreme expressions of patriotism can be mitigated through more drastic measures such as varying levels of imprisonment. Moreover, patriotism can propagate a generation of world leaders who can peacefully enact the wishes of the general citizenry. Most residents in the 21st century are consciously aware of the damages and prolonged consequences of wars that decimated world economies and population figures, such as during World War 2. It is, therefore, likely the wish of the majority to elect officials who are dedicated to maintaining long-lasting peace in all diplomatic relations. A good counter-example would be the failed re-election bid of US former president Donald J. Trump who is notoriously well-known for projecting hatred and animosity, and his alleged desire for igniting transnational wars. 

In conclusion, despite the causal relationship between patriotism and global wars, this sentiment primarily serves as a means to deter aggressive political leaders. One should strive to channel one’s patriotic feelings to more productive causes that benefit the collective good.

  • Patriotic feelings (adj): patriotism
  • patriotism (n): love of your country and the desire to defend it
  • act as (phrasal verb): to do a particular job
  • means (n): a method or way of doing something
  • compatriot (adj): a person who was born in, or is a citizen of, the same country as somebody else
  • corollary (n): a situation, an argument, or a fact that is the natural and direct result of another one
  • fanatic (n): a person who is extremely enthusiastic about something
  • root for (phrasal verb): to support or encourage
  • fervent (adj): having or showing very strong and sincere feelings about something
  • lambast (v): to attack or criticize somebody/something very severely
  • catalyst (n): a substance that makes a chemical reaction happen faster without being changed itself
  • mitigate (v): to make something less harmful, serious
  • propagate (v): to spread an idea, a belief, or a piece of information
  • notoriously (adv): in a way that is well known for being bad
  • animosity (n): a strong feeling of opposition, anger, or hate
  • alleged (adj): stated as a fact but without any proof


Further reading about this topic can be found here:



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