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Cam 19 Writing Task 2

Test 1 – Writing Task 2: Competition

Some people think that competition at work, at school and in daily life is a good thing. Others believe that we should try to cooperate more, rather than competing against each other.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Sample answer:

In contemporary discourse, many assert that cooperation should be prioritized over competition in personal, social, and professional realms. While competition undeniably has its merits, I firmly believe that collaboration can yield more substantial and enduring benefits.

Proponents of competition argue that it fosters personal growth and achievement. They posit that competition is an inherent human drive essential for reaching significant milestones. This is evident in various scenarios where competition spurs individuals to excel: positive peer pressure enhancing academic performance, rivalry among colleagues leading to career progression, and competitive sports cultivating elite athletes. In these contexts, competition is a catalyst for success, motivating individuals to surpass their limits and inspire others. However, excessive competition can lead to individualism that undermines collective welfare.

Conversely, I contend that cooperation is a more effective pathway to success. Collaboration leverages individual strengths and mitigates weaknesses, creating a synergistic environment. In education, for instance, group projects that encourage open dialogue and shared objectives typically result in superior outcomes. Similarly, in the professional sphere, cohesive teamwork within an engineering department can enhance productivity and profitability. These examples illustrate that collaborative efforts not only guarantee collective success but also enhance individual achievements.

In conclusion, while competition has its place, it can be detrimental if overemphasized. Effective cooperation, when well-implemented, optimizes individual strengths and fosters collective success, offering a more holistic approach to achieving goals.

(226 words)

Essay Breakdown:

Mở bài: 

SentencesChức năng
In contemporary discourse, many assert that cooperation should be prioritized over competition in personal, social, and professional realmsThesis Statement: đưa ra câu luận điểm rằng nhiều người có ý kiến khác nhau về sự cạnh tranh.
While competition undeniably has its merits, I firmly believe that collaboration can yield more substantial and enduring benefits.Câu Opinion: nêu lên luận điểm, ý kiến cá nhân. Chỉ ra “collaboration” sẽ mang lại nhiều lợi ích hơn “competition”.

Thân bài 1: Quan điểm của “người khác” ủng hộ competition

Proponents of competition argue that it fosters personal growth and achievementTopic sentences: dẫn dắt vào thân bài 1, nêu lên nhiều người có quan niệm cho rằng sự cạnh tranh là một điều tốt.
They posit that competition is an inherent human drive essential for reaching significant milestonesGiải thích topic sentence 1: Giải thích tại sao nó lại là một điều tốt.
This is evident in various scenarios where competition spurs individuals to excel: positive peer pressure enhancing academic performance, rivalry among colleagues leading to career progression, and competitive sports cultivating elite athletes.Examples: Cho dẫn chứng, evidence cho Topic sentence 1.
In these contexts, competition is a catalyst for success, motivating individuals to surpass their limits and inspire others.Explanation for example: tiếp tục giải thích example
However, excessive competition can lead to individualism that undermines collective welfare.Counter-argument: Chỉ ra rằng ‘excessive competition’ có thể dẫn đến coi trọng thành tích cá nhân và làm ảnh hưởng đến tập thể

Thân Bài 2: Quan điểm cá nhân ủng hộ cooperation

Conversely, I contend that cooperation is a more effective pathway to success.Topic sentence 2: Ý kiến đi ngược lại Thân Bài 1 (nêu lên mặt thứ 2 của vấn đề).
Collaboration leverages individual strengths and mitigates weaknesses, creating a synergistic environmentGiải thích Topic sentence 2:  Vì sao lại cho rằng “cooperation” sẽ có nhiều mặt lợi ích hơn.
In education, for instance, group projects that encourage open dialogue and shared objectives typically result in superior outcomesFurther explanation: Đưa dẫn chứng về mặt lợi ích của “cooperation” trong “education”.
Similarly, in the professional sphere, cohesive teamwork within an engineering department can enhance productivity and profitability.Further explanation: Tiếp tục đưa ra dẫn chứng về mặt lợi ích của “cooperation” trong “professional sphere – workplace”.
These examples illustrate that collaborative efforts not only guarantee collective success but also enhance individual achievements.Conclusion: Tiếp tục đưa ra kết quả giải thích cho cả 2 examples nêu trên!

Kết Bài:

In conclusion, while competition has its place, it can be detrimental if overemphasizedCâu Summary: Chỉ ra 2 mặt của vấn đề bằng ý kiến cá nhân.
Effective cooperation, when well-implemented, optimizes individual strengths and fosters collective success, offering a more holistic approach to achieving goals.Câu Summary Body 2: Tóm tắt và chỉ ra lợi ích của ý kiến cá nhân.


In contemporary discourse, many assert that cooperation should be prioritized over competition in personal, social, and professional realms. While competition undeniably has its merits, I firmly believe that collaboration can yield more substantial and enduring benefits.

Proponents of competition argue that it fosters personal growth and achievement. They posit that competition is an inherent human drive essential for reaching significant milestones. This is evident in various scenarios where competition spurs individuals to excel: positive peer pressure enhancing academic performance, rivalry among colleagues leading to career progression, and competitive sports cultivating elite athletes. In these contexts, competition is a catalyst for success, motivating individuals to surpass their limits and inspire others. However, excessive competition can lead to individualism that undermines collective welfare.

Conversely, I contend that cooperation is a more effective pathway to success. Collaboration leverages individual strengths and mitigates weaknesses, creating a synergistic environment. In education, for instance, group projects that encourage open dialogue and shared objectives typically result in superior outcomes. Similarly, in the professional sphere, cohesive teamwork within an engineering department can enhance productivity and profitability. These examples illustrate that collaborative efforts not only guarantee collective success but also enhance individual achievements.

In conclusion, while competition has its place, it can be detrimental if overemphasized. Effective cooperation, when well-implemented, optimizes individual strengths and fosters collective success, offering a more holistic approach to achieving goals.

Từ vựng hay: 

In contemporary discourse: Trong các cuộc tranh luận đương đại

prioritized over: được ưu tiên hơn

undeniably has its merits: không thể phủ nhận là có ưu điểm

firmly believe: tin tưởng một cách chắc chắn

 yield more substantial and enduring benefits: mang lại những lợi ích thiết thực và lâu dài hơn

fosters personal growth and achievement: khuyến khích sự phát triển cá nhân và thành tích

inherent human drive: bản năng con người

catalyst for success: chất xúc tác cho thành công

mitigates weaknesses: giảm thiểu những điểm yếu

synergistic environment: môi trường cộng hưởng

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