pier, boat, sea-2444029.jpg
Cam 19 Writing Task 1

Test 2 – Writing Task 1: Porth Harbour

The plans below show a harbour in 2000 and how it looks today.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Sample asnwer: 

The maps illustrate the changes in Porth Harbour between 2000 and the present day.

Overall, Porth Harbour has undergone significant development, enhancing public accessibility and adding new amenities for visitors.

In terms of the road network and surrounding landscape, most roads have remained largely unchanged. However, a new branch has been added to the main north-south road, connecting to the existing car park in the southwest. Additionally, a new path has been constructed, leading to a newly-built hotel in place of the old disused castle in the southeast. The harbour now features two docks located to the north, adjacent to the public beach, dedicated to passenger ferries.

Regarding other functional areas, the showers and toilets in the northwest have remained the same, with an additional facility of similar function added just north of the second car park in the southwest. The marina for private yachts and the fishing boats area have swapped locations, with the fishing boats now positioned directly adjacent to the dock. The road leading to the lifeboat has seen the addition of cafes and shops, and a private beach has been created exclusively for hotel guests.

(189 words)

Phân tích:

Đây là một bài Maps khá nhiều thông tin. Cũng như bao dạng bài Task 1, việc nhóm thông tin một cách hiệu quả rất QUAN TRỌNG. Dạng Maps nhìn thì rất đơn giản (như kiểu tìm điểm khác nhau giữa 2 tấm hình ấy), nhưng mà viết thế nào để đạt điểm cao?

Overview các Bạn cần nhận ra những thứ sau: 

  1. Giao thông thuận tiện hơn: Vì có thêm đường và kết nối tốt hơn 🡪 ‘increased accessibility’
  2. Nhiều cơ sở vật chất phục vụ du khách đến đảo hơn: cafes, shops đồ, docks nè 🡪 ‘new amenities’

Ta có Overview: 

Overall, Porth Harbour has undergone significant development, enhancing public accessibility and adding new amenities for visitors.

Thân bài 1 là NHỮNG THỨ BÊN NGOÀI: cảnh quan + đường xá.  

Thân bài 2 tập trung nói về tiểu tiết như facilities (Showers and toilets, cafes and shops, fishing boats, Marina private yachts, and private beach.)


The maps illustrate the changes in Porth Harbour between 2000 and the present day.

Overall, Porth Harbour has undergone significant development, enhancing public accessibility and adding new amenities for visitors.

In terms of the road network and surrounding landscape, most roads have remained largely unchanged. However, a new branch has been added to the main north-south road, connecting to the existing car park in the southwest. Additionally, a new path has been constructed, leading to a newly-built hotel in place of the old disused castle in the southeast. The harbour now features two docks located to the north, adjacent to the public beach, dedicated to passenger ferries.

Regarding other functional areas, the showers and toilets in the northwest have remained the same, with an additional facility of similar function added just north of the second car park in the southwest. The marina for private yachts and the fishing boats area have swapped locations, with the fishing boats now positioned directly adjacent to the dock. The road leading to the lifeboat has seen the addition of cafes and shops, and a private beach has been created exclusively for hotel guests.

Cụm từ hay: 

  1. Undergone significant development (trải qua quá trình phát triển đáng kể)
  2. Enhancing public accessibility (cải thiện khả năng tiếp cận của công chúng)
  3. Remained largely unchanged (phần lớn vẫn không thay đổi)
  4. A new branch has been added (một nhánh mới được xây dựng thêm)
  5. Leading to a newly-built hotel (dẫn đến một khách sạn mới được xây dựng)
  6. Docks located to the north (các bến tàu nằm ở phía bắc)
  7. Functional areas (các khu vực chức năng)
  8. Swapped locations (đổi vị trí)
  9. The addition of cafes and shops (sự xuất hiện của các quán cà phê và cửa hàng)
  10. A private beach has been created (bãi biển riêng tư được xây dựng)

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