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Cam 19 Writing Task 2

Test 2 – Writing Task 2: Longer weekend

The working week should be shorter and workers should have a longer weekend.

Do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer: 

Many have asserted that reduced working days and increased weekend periods should be employed for the betterment of workers in general. I disagree with this contention despite valid concerns.

Supporters of shorter working periods cite valid health concerns. Physically, employees working long hours are more likely to experience fatigue, making them increasingly vulnerable to risks and potential hazards. This is particularly evident in blue-collar professions such as construction and manufacturing, which have recorded numerous injuries and life losses. Mentally, prolonged working weeks can lead to unnecessary stress, which, in turn, causes a diminishing return. This decreased morale may harm productivity, leading to decreased efficiency and reduced business profits. However, this proposal may only be feasible in advanced economies where productivity is already established.

To strengthen my argument, I advocate for maintaining the length of a typical work week. Socially, it is imprudent to assume that workdays are entirely dedicated to workplace matters without proper rest and quality time with loved ones. Historically, individuals may have spent most of their time working to make ends meet. Today, people value a work-life balance, and with productivity apps, they can manage their time more efficiently, allowing for adequate rest. Furthermore, this proposal can be detrimental to the economy, especially in less developed nations, where productivity is not as high, and economies may still rely heavily on workers’ diligence.

In conclusion, a proposal for a shorter working week can have negative socio-economic impacts, though it may have limited benefits for workers’ physical and mental health. Ultimately, individuals should strive to balance work and life, and find the best approach that works for them.

(269 words)

Essay Breakdown:

Mở bài: 

SentencesChức năng
Many have asserted that reduced working days and increased weekend periods should be employed for the betterment of workers in general. Thesis Statement: đưa ra câu luận điểm rằng nhiều người có ý kiến khác nhau về chủ đề của bài.
I disagree with this contention despite valid concerns.Câu Opinion: nêu lên luận điểm, ý kiến cá nhân. (Disagree hay agree)

Thân bài 1: Quan điểm của “người khác”

Supporters of shorter working periods cite valid health concerns.Topic sentences: quan điểm ủng hộ ‘shorter working weeks’
Physically, employees working long hours are more likely to experience fatigue, making them increasingly vulnerable to risks and potential hazards.Supporting idea 1: Giải thích Topic sentence về mặt thể chất: ‘Physically’
This is particularly evident in blue-collar professions such as construction and manufacturing, which have recorded numerous injuries and life lossesExamples: Đưa dẫn chứng, evidence cho Luận điểm 1
Mentally, prolonged working weeks can lead to unnecessary stress, which, in turn, causes a diminishing return.Supporting idea 2: Không chỉ gây tổn hại thể chất mà còn gây tổn hại tinh thần: ‘Mentally’
This decreased morale may harm productivity, leading to decreased efficiency and reduced business profits.Explanation 2: Nêu lên ảnh hưởng, hậu quả, giải thích cho Luận điểm 2
However, this proposal may only be feasible in advanced economies where productivity is already established.Counter-arguments: Đưa ra phản biện – Việc giảm thời gian làm việc chỉ có thể thực hiện được ở các nước có nền kinh tế phát triển, những nơi mà đã thiết lập được ‘hiệu quả – hiệu suất làm việc’

Thân Bài 2: Đưa ra quan điểm cá nhân

To strengthen my argument, I advocate for maintaining the length of a typical work week.Topic sentence 2: Nêu lên ý kiến đi ngược lại Thân Bài 1 (ủng hộ việc duy trì thời gian làm việc hiện tại_
Socially, it is imprudent to assume that workdays are entirely dedicated to workplace matters without proper rest and quality time with loved onesExplanation: Giải thích cho Topic sentence
Historically, individuals may have spent most of their time working to make ends meet.Further Explanation: Triển khai ý bằng Technique contrasting quá khứ – hiện tại. 
Today, people value a work-life balance, and with productivity apps, they can manage their time more efficiently, allowing for adequate rest.Further Explanation: Triển khai ý bằng Technique contrasting quá khứ – hiện tại.
Furthermore, this proposal can be detrimental to the economy, especially in less developed nations, where productivity is not as high, and economies may still rely heavily on workers’ diligence.Further explanation: Đề xuất này có thể gây thiệt hại nghiêm trọng đến kinh tế của các nước kém phát triển, vì hầu hết nên kinh tế phụ thuộc vào sự cần mẫn, chuyên cần của người lao động!

Kết Bài:

In conclusion, a proposal for a shorter working week can have negative socio-economic impacts, though it may have limited benefits for workers’ physical and mental health.Câu Summary: Khẳng định lại lập luận
Ultimately, individuals should strive to balance work and life, and find the best approach that works for them.
Summarize ideas: Offer an extra thought! 


  1. Reduced working days and increased weekend periods (giảm ngày làm việc và tăng thời gian nghỉ cuối tuần)
  2. Valid health concerns (những lo ngại chính đáng về sức khỏe)
  3. Experience fatigue (cảm thấy mệt mỏi)
  4. Vulnerable to risks and potential hazards (dễ gặp rủi ro và nguy hiểm tiềm ẩn)
  5. Prolonged working weeks (tuần làm việc kéo dài)
  6. Unnecessary stress (căng thẳng không cần thiết)
  7. Diminishing return (hiệu quả giảm dần)
  8. Maintain the length of a typical work week (duy trì thời lượng làm việc theo tuần tiêu chuẩn)
  9. Work-life balance (cân bằng giữa công việc và cuộc sống)
  10. Detrimental to the economy (gây thiệt hại cho nền kinh tế)

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