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Cam 19 Writing Task 1

Test 3 – Writing Task 1: Ethanol

The diagram below shows how a biofuel called ethanol is produced.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Sample answer: 

The provided diagram details the process by which ethanol is created as part of biofuel production. 

Overall, the recurring semi-artificial process involves numerous steps that can be divided into four main stages. It begins with the preparation and harvesting of natural materials, followed by pre-processing and major processing with the addition of microbes, and culminates in the desirable product (ethanol), which is later turned into CO2 and released into the atmosphere.

Ethanol production commences with the growth of vegetation (plants and trees), which is enabled by the energy cultivated from sunlight and CO2, with the latter stemming from public and private means of transportation. These mature plants and trees are then harvested and pre-processed in a specialized machine, which breaks them down into cellulose, an ingredient used for the main processing stage.

In the ensuing steps, post-processed cellulose is further reduced to sugar molecules, which are subsequently made into ethanol following the addition of external microbes. The ethanol is used to power vehicles, including cars, trucks, and airplanes, all of which release CO2 as a carbon byproduct, contributing to the energy needed for plant growth.

(185 words)

Phân tích: 

Bài có khá nhiều bước nhưng có thể nhóm lại thành 4 bước chính: Chuẩn bị nguyên liệu (resources harvesting) 🡪 Xử lý nguyên liệu (processing) 🡪 Ra thành phẩm (ethanol) 🡪 Sản phẩm phụ (carbon dioxide).

Và đó cũng chính là overview, chúng ta summarize sơ đồ, nêu lên 4 bước chính để produce ethanol.

Thân bài 1 (từ energy -> plants -> harvesting -> pre-processing -> cellulose -> processing ) 

  • Tìm cách paraphrase sơ đồ theo các bước để có thể liên kết các bước dễ dàng hơn.

Thân bài 2 (sugars -> microbes added -> ethanol -> carbon dioxide -> plants) 

  • Tiếp tục paraphrase phần còn lại

(Nhớ chú ý các mũi tên trong bài này để có thể viết một cách đầy đủ và trôi trảy.)


The provided diagram details the process by which ethanol is created as part of biofuel production. 

Overall, the recurring semi-artificial process involves numerous steps that can be divided into four main stages. It begins with the preparation and harvesting of natural materials, followed by pre-processing and major processing with the addition of microbes, and culminates in the desirable product (ethanol), which is later turned into CO2 and released into the atmosphere.

Ethanol production commences with the growth of vegetation (plants and trees), which is enabled by the energy cultivated from sunlight and CO2, with the latter stemming from public and private means of transportation. These mature plants and trees are then harvested and pre-processed in a specialized machine, which breaks them down into cellulose, an ingredient used for the main processing stage.

In the ensuing steps, post-processed cellulose is further reduced to sugar molecules, which are subsequently made into ethanol following the addition of external microbes. The ethanol is used to power vehicles, including cars, trucks, and airplanes, all of which release CO2 as a carbon byproduct, contributing to the energy needed for plant growth.

Từ vựng hay: 

  1. Recurring semi-artificial process (quy trình bán nhân tạo lặp lại)
  2. Numerous steps (nhiều bước)
  3. Preparation and harvesting of natural materials (chuẩn bị và thu hoạch nguyên liệu tự nhiên)
  4. Pre-processing and major processing (tiền xử lý và xử lý chính)
  5. Addition of microbes (bổ sung vi sinh vật)
  6. Culminates in the desirable product (đạt đến sản phẩm mong muốn)
  7. Subsequently made into ethanol (sau đó được chuyển thành ethanol)
  8. External microbes (vi sinh vật bên ngoài)
  9. Carbon byproduct (sản phẩm phụ cacbon)

Contributing to the energy needed for plant growth (góp phần tạo năng lượng cần thiết cho sự phát triển của thực vật)

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