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Cam 19 Writing Task 2

Test 3 – Writing Task 2: Saving money

It is important for everyone, including young people, to save money for their future.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Sample answer: 

Effective personal finance management has garnered significant public attention for decades, with many emphasizing the paramount importance of saving for the future, particularly for young people. While there are valid reasons for justified spending, I firmly agree with the emphasis on saving.

Critics of prioritizing personal finance management often argue in favor of individual rights and personal preferences. They assert that people across all age demographics are entitled to personal freedom and that spending habits fall within this fundamental tenet. Advising or enforcing mandates against one’s spending inclinations may be seen as an infringement on individual freedom. Additionally, money is a prerequisite for varying levels of life enjoyment and happiness. This is especially true for young people, as they are not yet burdened with responsibilities such as marriage, family life, or raising children. Therefore, spending on educational and recreational pursuits, such as traveling to distant places, studying abroad, enrolling in a Master’s program, or even engaging in risky investments, can be considered justifiable.

However, I argue that everyone, irrespective of age, should commit to saving to build future wealth. Firstly, unexpected life crises, such as deteriorating health due to illness, can lead to an inability to earn an income. A notable example is chronically ill patients in countries without healthcare coverage, who may spend years repaying medical debts. In such cases, if individuals had set aside an emergency fund or purchased healthcare insurance earlier in life, they might not find themselves in such precarious situations. Moreover, invaluable investment opportunities often arise from saved earnings. Individuals who have prioritized personal finance management from a young age are better positioned to take advantage of compound interest in various markets, such as the stock market, real estate, and cryptocurrency. Cultivating a money-savvy attitude early in life helps individuals amass stable wealth and achieve financial freedom.

In conclusion, while personal freedom and individual inclinations may justify spending for young people, I contend that a savings-oriented mindset is necessary to cover crises and capitalize on investment opportunities. It is important for individuals to balance conflicting interests and determine the best course of action for their financial well-being.

(352 words)

Essay Breakdown:

Mở bài: 

SentencesChức năng
Effective personal finance management has garnered significant public attention for decades, with many emphasizing the paramount importance of saving for the future, particularly for young people. Thesis Statement: Đề cập đến tầm quan trọng của việc quản lý tài chính cá nhân và việc tiết kiệm cho tương lai, đặc biệt là đối với người trẻ.
While there are valid reasons for justified spending, I firmly agree with the emphasis on saving.Câu Opinion: nêu lên luận điểm, ý kiến cá nhân: Mặc dù có những lý do chính đáng để chi tiêu, tác giả đồng ý với việc ưu tiên tiết kiệm.

Thân bài 1: Quan điểm của “người khác”

Critics of prioritizing personal finance management often argue in favor of individual rights and personal preferencesTopic sentence 1: Những người phản đối việc ưu tiên tiết kiệm thường cho rằng cá nhân có quyền tự do chi tiêu theo sở thích cá nhân.
They assert that people across all age demographics are entitled to personal freedom and that spending habits fall within this fundamental tenet.Supporting idea 1: Luận điểm 1Tiêu tiền là quyền tự do của mỗi cá nhân
Advising or enforcing mandates against one’s spending inclinations may be seen as an infringement on individual freedomExplanation 1: giải thích cho luận điểm 1Họ cho rằng việc phải tiết kiệm tiền có thể đi ngược lại quyền tự do cá nhân
Additionally, money is a prerequisite for varying levels of life enjoyment and happiness.Supporting idea 2: Luận điểm 2Tiền bạc mang lại sự tận hưởng cuộc sống.
This is especially true for young people, as they are not yet burdened with responsibilities such as marriage, family life, or raising children.Explanation 2: giải thích cho luận điểm 2Điều này đặc biệt đúng cho người trẻ vì họ chưa vướng bận cuộc sống nhiều
Therefore, spending on educational and recreational pursuits, such as traveling to distant places, studying abroad, enrolling in a Master’s program, or even engaging in risky investments, can be considered justifiable.Further explanation 2: Việc người trẻ xài tiên để đi chơi, giải trí, du lịch, hay học hành có thể cho rằng hợp lý. 

Thân Bài 2: Quan điểm cá nhân

However, I argue that everyone, irrespective of age, should commit to saving to build future wealthTopic sentence 2: Nêu lên ý kiến đi ngược lại Thân Bài 1 , phản biện lại thân bài 1.Mọi người ở mọi lứa tuổi nên tiết kiệm để xây dựng tài sản cho tương lai.
Firstly, unexpected life crises, such as deteriorating health due to illness, can lead to an inability to earn an income.Supporting idea 1: Luận điểm 1 Các biến cố bất ngờ như bệnh tật có thể khiến người ta mất khả năng kiếm tiền
In such cases, if individuals had set aside an emergency fund or purchased healthcare insurance earlier in life, they might not find themselves in such precarious situations. Explanation 1: Giài thích sâu hơn về  trường hợp được nhắc đến. (Nếu tiết kiệm thì đã không phải khốn đốn vì bệnh tật)
Moreover, invaluable investment opportunities often arise from saved earnings.Supporting idea 2: Luận điểm 2 Tiết kiệm thì mới có thể tận dùng cơ hội đầu tư được
Individuals who have prioritized personal finance management from a young age are better positioned to take advantage of compound interest in various markets, such as the stock market, real estate, and cryptocurrencyExplanation 2: Giải thích vì sao việc tiết kiệm lại mang nhiều “opportunities”    – Tiết kiệm sớm giúp họ đạt được tự do tài chính do có vốn để đầu tư vào nhiều thị trường khác nhau và tận dụng ‘lãi suất kép’

Kết Bài:

In conclusion, while personal freedom and individual inclinations may justify spending for young people, I contend that a savings-oriented mindset is necessary to cover crises and capitalize on investment opportunities.Câu Conclusion: Tóm tắt lại luận điểm đã nêu, ủng hộ việc tiết kiệm! 
It is important for individuals to balance conflicting interests and determine the best course of action for their financial well-being.Extension: Offer an extra thought 


Effective personal finance management has garnered significant public attention for decades, with many emphasizing the paramount importance of saving for the future, particularly for young people. While there are valid reasons for justified spending, I firmly agree with the emphasis on saving.

Critics of prioritizing personal finance management often argue in favor of individual rights and personal preferences. They assert that people across all age demographics are entitled to personal freedom and that spending habits fall within this fundamental tenet. Advising or enforcing mandates against one’s spending inclinations may be seen as an infringement on individual freedom. Additionally, money is a prerequisite for varying levels of life enjoyment and happiness. This is especially true for young people, as they are not yet burdened with responsibilities such as marriage, family life, or raising children. Therefore, spending on educational and recreational pursuits, such as traveling to distant places, studying abroad, enrolling in a Master’s program, or even engaging in risky investments, can be considered justifiable.

However, I argue that everyone, irrespective of age, should commit to saving to build future wealth. Firstly, unexpected life crises, such as deteriorating health due to illness, can lead to an inability to earn an income. A notable example is chronically ill patients in countries without healthcare coverage, who may spend years repaying medical debts. In such cases, if individuals had set aside an emergency fund or purchased healthcare insurance earlier in life, they might not find themselves in such precarious situations. Moreover, invaluable investment opportunities often arise from saved earnings. Individuals who have prioritized personal finance management from a young age are better positioned to take advantage of compound interest in various markets, such as the stock market, real estate, and cryptocurrency. Cultivating a money-savvy attitude early in life helps individuals amass stable wealth and achieve financial freedom.

In conclusion, while personal freedom and individual inclinations may justify spending for young people, I contend that a savings-oriented mindset is necessary to cover crises and capitalize on investment opportunities. It is important for individuals to balance conflicting interests and determine the best course of action for their financial well-being.

Từ vựng hay: 

  1. Effective personal finance management (quản lý tài chính cá nhân hiệu quả)
  2. Garnered significant public attention (thu hút sự chú ý đáng kể của công chúng)
  3. Justified spending (chi tiêu hợp lý)
  4. Paramount importance (tầm quan trọng hàng đầu)
  5. Individual rights and personal preferences (quyền cá nhân và sở thích cá nhân)
  6. Fundamental tenet (nguyên tắc cơ bản)
  7. Enforcing mandates (áp đặt các yêu cầu bắt buộc)
  8. Unexpected life crises (khủng hoảng cuộc sống bất ngờ)
  9. Invaluable investment opportunities (cơ hội đầu tư vô giá)
  10. Compound interest (lãi kép)

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